3D Art Practice
This work was produced during my free time, in order to either learn a new skill or keep in practice with the ones I have already taught myself. Below you will find work divided into subsections. As of right now, when practicing I typically try and recreate another artists 2D illustrations or concept art within a 3D space. This work is produced with their permission. These projects started in 2020 shortly after I started 3D modelling. Whenever I’m not overladed with work I typically try and start or finish a collection of three renders. When doing this hobby I often try to choose a different style than the one before and I also try to model something different, I.e. if I’ve previously rendered cartoonish exteriors the next project could be realistic interiors, or stylised characters or highly detailed one off items.
Stylized Exterioirs
This set of three scenes were modelled based on illustrations by Sean Mulvenna. After stumbling across his work, I reached out to him and got permission to turn a few of his illustrations into models. This set of three gave me the opportunity to work on creating cartoonish textures and a new style to best match the original work. Additionally, where many of the buildings were not drawn with the intention of being realistic (for instance tilted windows, narrow doorways or uneven foundations) it gave me a chance to practice creating something more stylised rather than perfect.
Retro Futuristic Interiors
This is was the first personal project I started since I began 3D modelling. This was created during the summer of 2020 during lockdown. A couple of weeks of work led to the production of three scenes, all of which were based on concept art produced by Louis LeRoy. All in all, this was one of my favourite projects to work on. I chose to model his work because the aesthetic and general concept really stood out to me. As a fan of retro-futurism as a whole, his work really appealed to me. Producing these scene was a nice change of pace to work, as it allowed me to work on something a bit more realistic.